

Limousine breed has its native land in central regions of France: Limousin and Marche – with a harsh climate and rocky terrain. Massive and powerful animals for long time were used as a pulling force, and at the end of their life - assigned to the slaughter. The first export of specimens belonging to this particular race took place in the end of the nineteenth century, with recipients being Brazil and Argentina. Today it is one of the most popular breeds of meat in the world, raised in over 60 countries. Limousine cattle is popular due to its versatility in many areas.

Cows weigh on average 650 kg and are about 135 cm tall at the withers. Bulls weigh more than 900 pounds and are about 145 cm tall at the withers. Adult animals have a large amount of muscle, while fat and bone in their bodies is low in comparison to other races. Births in this race usually take place without human assistance and calves are born relatively small. This race is resistant to adverse environmental conditions and can be used both extensively and intensively. The animals mature early and they have highly developed herd instinct. Their energetic temperament helps to protect calves against predators but it can also be a problem while working with a man. Limousine cattle is very “economic” – it perfectly uses fodder produced at the farm. Our animals are characterized by high fertility and outstanding results when it comes to meat production. They enjoy an excellent reputation with both breeders (bulls grow very fast, cows are prolific, also when cross-breeding – on average they give birth to 8 calves and long-lived – 8-11 years) and meat processing plants (outstanding quality of carcass and meat).

Due to the large population the Limousine cattle breed is genetically diverse, which makes it easy to access many new genetic lines. One of them is the cross between LM and CHL, which results in perfect hybrids with high daily increments of up to 2.5 kg per day. The demand for such hybrids is growing. Our animals are subject to supervision by the Polish Association of Breeders and Producers of Beef Cattle.

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